The registration of CorePlayer is linked to the unique Mac serial number of a particular machine where the player is installed. In the output of OTX we have to find the appropriate places where the software checks the registration status and decides whether it will run or not.
It’s still strange to me that this small blog is actually celebrating 7 years of anniversary. The original idea was only to post a couple of posts/apps that worked on the PowerPC, but we kept finding more and more out there I already have many bookmarked for future testing, because there are more to come for the PowerPC community. We did take some time off, because we got busy with our standard jobs and at the end of the day I just wanted to come home and watch Survivor and Amazing Race and go to bed.
I kept procrastinating to login and write a new post, putting it off for “tomorrow” which ended up turning to weeks and months. Now we are back, and I recently purchased a mint condition PowerBook G4 (15”/1.66GHz/1.5GB). I’m very proud of it, it’s a great machine and I’m bringing this blog back to life one more time, and breathing life into my stainless steel PowerPC! So, if you find yourself like me, coming into possession of a brand new “old” Mac – wondering what the top 5 essential apps you need to have on your computerthen read on! Listed below are the Essential 5 apps for you (in my opinion): TenFourFox – Yes, a trusted browser is a must for any PowerPC user. TenFourFox is putting in great effort and keeping us updated! – iWork 09’ – This office suite it’s fantastic, still very up to date and you can pull off great results using Keynote, Number and Pages.
Before I was using AppleWorks due to a nostalgic feeling, but iWork works amazing! Also deserving of a mention here is LibreOffice 5 (but still under development > /). IWork 09′ you can find for a great price at or VLC – If you choose to keep your Mac PowerPC free of excessive software, embracing the minimalist movement – then just install this app for your media player, because it will play any type of media movie format. How to fix isdonedll error while installing the game. Super powerful!
– Gimp – A Classic of the classics – everybody needs to have this app because before the internet you would have a computer to play with apps like Gimp. – AppDelete – They say you only need to drag your app to the garbage bin, but I personally do prefer to use an app to take care of that. – Now my friends, you are ready to start! Since we are an independent blog and there is an annual cost for running this blog any support/donation would be highly appreciated. Thank you 😀.
FinderPop 2.5.7 Right in the middle of 2018, I’m doing my standard search for PowerPC apps and found FinderPop which has brought a whole new life to my “pretty” and “powerful” 15 year old Mac computer. FinderPop is a simple, yet powerful and intricate app. It will keep everything you need one-click away, for quick and easy access. It’s great for shortcuts and it will help you organize your app like never before. I’m also pleased to report that it runs on an Intel Mac and our good old friend, Tiger 10.4 Needless to say – it’s Free, so don’t waste your time, click on the link below and install it right away. Just make sure to share your find on your favourite social media page, and don’t forget to tag the app and your favourite blog 😀 For more details, please watch the following video, posted by the developers > Download FinderPop here for free. This week, I found a fantastic app that runs and works great on PowerPC – Leopard!
Screenium 1.5 or 2.1.8 is software that allows the user to record what’s happening on the screen. Super convenient if you’re someone with a youtube channel, or someone who needs to create an instructional video or training for an online function or program! There are nice features like recording a fixed area, full screen, mouse area or a single window. Also it has support for microphones, so you can add your comments as you record.
You can use a camera as well! It’s easy to use and the results are fantastic. It’s not free – so please make sure to contact them before purchasing because you need to make sure they still providing license to this version. The currently version is 3.1.3 and it’s Intel only. This version does however allow a demo try.
I’m very satisfied with the results and this app has a great deal of potential, even being a bit outdated, it still gets the job done very well. So ladies and gentlemen, this is another great reminder to take your PPC’s out and use them to their full potential!
Have fun with it! Download version 1.5 or 2.1.8 from the official website > Or Download the version 1.5 from this link: (use server 1) > By MAC POWERPC Posted in Tagged,,,,,,,,,,,. Sometimes we have these apps that are a must to have installed and we always forget to mention them because we assume everybody already knows about them I realized that Audacity is one of these fantastic appsso I am going to break the cycle of not mentioning the basicsright now. Audacity is a powerful music editor, recorder and player (also it’s free open source). You can either record your music, edit your tracks for DJs or wannabe sound editors or even for the newest millennial podcastor! A lot of features that you would probably pay big bucks with other apps (that you’d have to purchase), you end up getting for free with Audacity. So get your PowerPC out of the closet and start playing with Audacity.