PASCAL'S THOUGHTS Jesus will be in agony even to the end of the world. We must not sleep during that time. Jesus, in the midst of this universal desertion, including that of His own friends chosen to watch with Him, finding them asleep, is vexed because of the danger to which they expose, not Him, but themselves; He cautions them for their own safety and their own good, with a sincere tenderness for them during their ingratitude, and warns them that the spirit is willing and the flesh weak. Jesus, finding them still asleep, without being restrained by any consideration for themselves or for Him, has the kindness not to waken them, and leaves them in repose. Jesus prays, uncertain of the will of His Father, and fears death; but, when He knows it, He goes forward to offer Himself to death. Processit (John).
The latest Tweets from Pascal v.d. Straaten (@MS_Fantasy_): 'Am heutigen #TagdesWodkas bitte nur Sachen unterm Klarnamen posten.' Mal som tu cest programovat v Baltikovi, mal som aj nejaky uspech a nemyslim si ze je to taka blbost. Ano, boli tam dva rezimy, tvorba sceny a tvorba programu. Scena bolo usporiadanie objektov v okne a programovacia cast bola riesena tak, ze by tomu pochopilo aj 7 rocne decko. Zbytocnost to nebola.
Jesus asked of men and was not heard. Jesus, while His disciples slept, wrought their salvation. He has wrought that of each of the righteous while they slept, both in their nothingness before their birth, and in their sins after their birth. He prays only once that the cup pass away, and then with submission; and twice that it come if necessary.
Jesus is weary. Jesus, seeing all His friends asleep and all His enemies wakeful, commits Himself entirely to His Father.
Jesus does not regard in Judas his enmity, but the order of God, which He loves and admits, since He calls him friend. Jesus tears Himself away from His disciples to enter into His agony; we must tear ourselves away from our nearest and dearest to imitate Him. Jesus being in agony and in the greatest affliction, let us pray longer.
We implore the mercy of God, not that He may leave us at peace in our vices, but that He may deliver us from them. If God gave us masters by His own hand, oh! How necessary for us to obey them with a good heart! Necessity and events follow infallibly.
• ^ • ^ • ^, p. • ^ • ^ • ^, p. • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^, p. • ^ • ^ • ^, p. References [ ] • Guide to Reference.
American Library Association. Retrieved 5 December 2014. (subscription required). • Kister, Kenneth F. Kister's Best Encyclopedias (2nd ed.).
Phoenix: Oryx.
Heater N N Y, (CAN, if equipped) 19 CAN Gateway N (If equipped) Y, (CAN) 1C Position Sensing N N Y, (CAN, if equipped) 22 All Wheel Drive N (purely mechanical) Y, (CAN, if equipped) 25 Immobilizer Y (If equipped, non-US only) (Integrated with cluster in address 17 in US models) Y, (CAN) 35 Central Locks N (If equipped with manual crank windows, non-US only) N 36 Seat Mem. Diagnostika passat b5.