Think and Grow Rich (Versi Bahasa Indonesia) ePub Version PDF Version Doc Version 01. Think and Grow Rich – Bab 1 (Download PDF) 02. Think and Grow Rich – Bab 2 (Download PDF) 03. Think and Grow Rich – Bab 3 (DownloadPDF) 04. Think and Grow Rich – Bab 4 (DownloadPDF) 05. Think and Grow Rich – Bab 5 (DownloadPDF) 06. Look what I shared: [PDF] Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich Ebook Download:Eventual Millionaire @MIUI 10.9k Views.

*Note: At the end of this article you can download the Think and Grow Rich pdf for free with no email required! Did you know there is a Think and Grow Rich Legacy Movie? When I first started Eventual Millionaire, I lived in a small town in the middle of the Maine woods. No one around me had any interest in business, so I turned my attention to books, blogs, and eventually podcasts. One of the first books I read was Think and Grow Rich, a 1937 book by Napoleon Hill. In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill teaches what called the thirteen steps to riches.

Those thirteen steps, he claimed, were the secret to building wealth. Needless to say, I was intrigued. Some of my favorite business quotes come straight from Napoleon Hill. I’ve included many of them in this post for you to see, too. Hill claimed he learned the thirteen steps to riches from Andrew Carnegie whom he worked with for two decades.

Carnegie was the wealthiest man in the world at the time. According to Hill, Carnegie shared his success secrets with him and connected him with over 500 of the most successful people in the world to learn their secrets, too.

Those people included Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Conflict desert storm 3 download. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, and Alexander Graham Bell. Twenty years later, Napoleon Hill turned the lessons he learned after connecting with those 500+ into the thirteen steps to riches, which he outlined in Think and Grow Rich. The thirteen steps included well-known principles, like desire and persistence, as well as unconventional principles like the power of the mastermind (he called it “master mind” at the time; today it’s just one word) and the mystery of sex transmutation.

Ebook Think And Grow Rich Bahasa Indonesia Pdf

Not very many people talk about the sex transmutation part of the book, but it’s a pretty interesting chapter. Basically, Napoleon Hill claims that the most successful people had strong sex drives and the ability, discipline, and self-control to react to their sexual urges by engaging in non-sexual, productive actions, like exercising, eating better, and working harder to impress the object of their desire. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, had little self-control and reacted to sexual urges with destructive physical expressions.


There’s much more data (and talk) about the other twelve steps to riches from Think and Grow Rich. 80 Years Later: Millions of Lives Changed When Think and Grow Rich first hit stores in 1937, only 5,000 copies were released, and you could get a copy for $1.50. It even came with a sheet to order more copies.

Here’s a pic of the order sheet it came with. The book flew off the shelves. To date, millions of copies have sold, and millions of people’s lives have been changed for the better because of it.

The book is such an important piece of literary history that an original 1937 first-printing copy of the book now sells for between $2,500 and $4,500. I paid considerably less for my copy, and you can, too, unless of course, you want to grab one of the original 5,000. In fact, keep reading because I’m going to give you an exact copy of the original Think and Grow Rich pdf for free at the end of this post. A friend of mine paid more than $3,000 for this first-run a couple of years ago. It says a lot about how important the book has been to successful people when people pay up to $4,500 for an original Think and Grow Rich book when you can get a free Think and Grow Rich pdf right here, doesn’t it? How Think and Grow Rich Changed My Life Although Think and Grow Rich changed my life in many ways, two things stick out above all. The first way it changed my life was by my applying Napoleon Hill’s steps to riches.