Sep 4, 2018 - Hello, I'm going to make custom image for MAG 250. Enable Infomir app store without necessity to add it as external portal and add it as a shortcut to main menu. Ok just finish download, in 5 minute i will update result.

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Public and Factory software images can be updated from Embedded portal (HTTP or USB update methods) to Factory software image only. To update STB to Public image ( provided in Releases at ) it is necessary to use Bootloader menu Upgrade Tools (USB Bootstrap, MC Upgrade and so on). Updating STB to custom/other software image (that differs from the factory one) is performed from Embedded portal (HTTP, USB) or MiddleWare. The following instructions should be taken into account: • Image making: • SSH access configuring: STB software description • • • • • • • Software releases MAG250/254/270 Software versions of STB are released to (250, 254, 270). Last releases location.

When STB runs with standard software image (factory image), software will be updated to the last stable version (factory image) located on manufacturer's server. Update from Settings menu • Open menu of Embedded portal; • Choose Software autoupdate; • In opened window choose Update manually ( F2 on RC). • In opened window Software autoupdatechoose list of New versions by pressing OK - The latest available version is on top of the list; • Select necessary firmware version; • Choose Update (F1); • Wait untill STB will be updated. The status of the software update is displayed by progress bar and comments. STB will be rebooted automatically after update. The string is available for editing via virtual keyboard (brought up by KB key on RC) or USB keyboard. Update with USB-drive STB software can be updated using USB-drive.

250Infomir mag 250 firmware download for windows 7

Version should be pre-downloaded and written to the USB-drive. USB-drive requirements • The USB drive must have a FAT32 file system format. If there are more than one partition on the USB drive use the first one. • In case of update from bootloader, if your STB has more than one USB socket, a rear socket is used for upgrade. • Create directory mag ( - basic model number: 250, 254 or 270) in a root directory of the USB-drive.

Update from System settings menu Updating from the System Settings menu of embedded portal allows to update STB software to the. File bootstrap is not used.

On PC (preparation the USB-drive) • Download imageupdate file from manufacture's server:. For example, for MAG254: • Put imageupdate file in the USB-drive directory mag. For example, for MAG254. On STB • Connect prepared USB-drive to STB socket.

• Open System settings ⇒ Software update. • In the window Software update set Update method = USB. You can see two new strings: • Disk - name of USB-drive; • Path - Path to update file on the USB-drive. • Select Verify (OK) to make sure that the STB detects imageupdate file. • If the file has been detected and can be read you'll see Software Update window. • In Software Update window you can see descriptions of the software versions: the Current version (operating in STB) and New version (available on USB drive). • Determine the need for update comparing Curren and New versions.

• To reject update click Cancel in Software Update window. • To begin update click Update (F1) in Software Update window. • Wait until update is complete. S tatus of software update is displayed by progress bar and comments. • After software loads, STB will automatically reboot. Update from Bootloader menu is launched by user during STB boot. This type of update allows to update STB software to.