Using an innovative storytelling style to bring cases and legal concepts to life, INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 5E presents a full range of business law topics in a series of brief, quick-reading chapters. Chistij server css v34 linux. The text delivers succinct coverage of core business law topics, emphasizes the business applications of chapter concepts, and includes summarized cases to illustrate the point of law. The fifth edition includes all-new chapters on LLCs and employment discrimination, new Case Questions, and a new emphasis on social media issues throughout. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Tipovoj proekt elektrosnabzheniya zhilogo zdaniya. Description Appropriate for Paralegal Studies, Legal Studies, Pre-Law, and Business Programs Hames and Ekern’s Introduction to Law, 4/e will teach students the basic legal concepts related to substantive and procedural law, introduces them to cases, statutes, and the constitution, and develops their legal vocabulary and analytical skills. A new chapter on constitutional law, expanded coverage of employment and environmental law, and information on technology makes this an excellent resource for any Introduction to Law course for all disciplines of study including pre-law, legal studies, and business programs.
Using this text, your students will learn how to develop their own critical-thinking skills, read high-interest cases, expand their legal vocabulary and discuss case law and issues impacting today’s legal system. Chapter 3 is reorganized and revised so as to present an in depth discussion of the court system and overview of the different personnel involved in the legal system. • Each chapter contains stronger emphasis on the way that legal principles are applied to real-life situations; a new “Application“ feature “ is added to each chapter. • Case summaries: In addition to case excerpts, brief summaries of cases show how the courts apply basic legal principles. Case summaries are written without complicated legal terminology that often creates an obstacle to understanding a court decision and are more easily read by those without legal training.
• In depth discussion of legal careers is included in appendix material rather than substantive chapters, making the text more relevant to those not pursuing a law-related career. • End-of-chapter features now include an exercise entitled Application and Analysis. This gives students the opportunity to analyze situations and apply principles discussed in the chapter. Hallmark Features: •. Carefully selected and edited case law appears in each chapter. The case law introduces students to reading the law and assists with the development of critical thinking skills. The cases are interesting and even familiar.
A new chapter on constitutional law, expanded coverage of employment and environmental law, and information on technology makes this an excellent resource for any Introduction to Law course for all disciplines of study including pre-law, legal studies, and business programs.