Kayamath is an Indian Television Drama broadcast on Star Plus. Produced by, Directed by Anil V Kumar, Written by Anil Nagpal. Kayamath cast includes / Prachi Neev Shergill ( Prachi Bora), Jay Bhunsali (Neev Shergill), shabbir Ahuluwalia (Milind Mishra) in the lead roles. Kayamat is a story of a girl Prachi, who belongs to a very rich family, she loves her childhood friend Neev who also from a rich family. They both live a luxurious life and totally unaware of the struggle of life and money. Where as Milind and Ayesha is poor and they have gone through all the struggle of the life.
They also love each other. Later Prachi and Ayesha become a friend, but Neev and Milind don’t like this. The story takes a turn when Prachi’s brother starts a relationship with Milind’s sister and then dump her.
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Kayamath Poster. 0:58 Trailer. All Shows of Star Plus. A list of 157. Kayamath (2007) Panchhi Bora in Kayamath (2007) Add Image. Stars: Pallavi Subhash Shirke, Iqbal Khan, Yash Tonk. Start your free trial. Audible Download. Download Kayamat serial mp3 songs online. Mp3: Mp3: Play Download. Look at most relevant Star plus tv serial kayamath mp3 songs websites out of 30.
Things go worst when Prachi knows that Ayesha is her sister and left because of her. After Knowing this Ayesha continues to hate Prachi and she does everything hurt her, Ayesha marries with Neev so that she can hurt Prachi. Later Prachi comes to know that her Father was murdered. The story takes a twist when Milind, who has become rich now return and when he come to know that Ayesha got married with new, He marries with Prachi by making a deal that he will help her to find his father’s murderer.
After marriage Milind show his love towards Prachi infront of Ayesha but when they are alone he humilities her later seeing Prachi dedication and love Milind fall in love with Prachi but Ayesha always try to create misunderstanding between them, But Milind got to know that Ayesha is behind all these misunderstanding. Later Prachi comes to know the Milind’s sister has a baby with her brother she takes him home, Milind doubts that he is Prachi and Neev’s child and filed divorce but when truth comes out they reunite. Ayesha plans to kill Prachi but Milind caught in the trap and lost his memory and Ayesha to an advantage and arranges marriage between Neev and Prachi but at the time of wedding Milind remembered everything and he comes back to Prachi. But the story takes a turn when Mallika business woman's murder Ayesha and the blame goes on Milind Mallika agrees to be a witness and tell Prachi to leave Milind she agrees and left city in the train she met with a Bengali family, Milind comes to find Prachi but he comes to know that there is blast on this train and story take a leap of Five years.
After five years Prachi is living with Proteek as Panchi his wife wanted and because of Proteek’s father she is pretending Panchi. Later Prachi’s son Sonjoy met with an accident and Prachi found MIlind but he has lost his mind, but when he recovered they got married again. The story continues with lots of ups and down and in end Prachi found that Neev’s father killed her father and he sent to jail. After that they lived Happily. An engaging story line and a very talented cast is what made Kayamath stand out from the crowd.
All the Kayamath episodes are highly popular with the audience till date. Among all the Kayamath episodes, Kayamath episode 1 and Kayamath episode 133 are the most famous till date.
Besides these, the Kayamath title song was also a major with its audience. We hope that you like all the Kayamath episodes.
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