1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Example: I wish my hair was (be) longer.

1 I wish I ________ (have) a better job. I don’t enjoy this kind of work. 2 This book is so boring. I wish I ________ (not start) reading it.

3 Luke wishes he ________ (can) play football better. 4 I wish it ________ (stop) raining. I want to go out.

5 I’m starving. I wish I ________ (eat) breakfast this morning. 6 I wish my train ________ (come)! I’m going to be late for work again. 6 2 Underline the correct word(s). Example: Although / In spite of the exam was hard, I still passed.

Rights fethifd5 English Pronunciation In Use تعلم نطق اللغة الانجليزية English Pronunciation CD2 fethifd5 _-_-_-fethifd5 New English File Upper intermediate Test Booklet New English File Intermediate Student'sBook تعلم نطق اللغة الانجليزية كتب تعليمية للغة الانجليزية كتاب متنوع في تعليم المفردات. In this test booklet you’ll find: • an Entry test • a test for each File of New English File Elementary, in A and B versions • an End-of-course test, in A and B versions. The Entr y test. This is an optional test which covers some of the key Grammar and Vocabulary points from the first four lessons (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D) of New English File.

1 I like maths, even though / despite I’m not very good at it. 2 I went to the library to / for look for a book about art. 3 I phoned my boss in order to / so that he would know I wasn’t coming.

4 In spite of / Although the heavy traffic, we got to the airport on time. 5 I lent Jane some money, even though / despite I didn’t have much. 6 We took a taxi so as not to / to not be late. 6 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Tipovoj dogovor perevozki gruza skachatj. Example: He’s the man who works in our local bank. Whose whom who 1 My grandparents, ________ live by the sea, often invite me to stay with them. That who which 2 She’s the girl ________ owns the big dog. Which that whose 3 My mum’s the only person to ________ I can talk about my problems. That who whom. 4 ________ I like best about Nicky is her generosity.

That Which What 5 Tim didn’t pass any of his exams, ________ is a bit of a problem for him. Which what that 6 My best friend, ________ dad is a music teacher, plays the piano and the guitar. Whom whose who 7 Don’t worry. You can sit ________ you want here. Whichever wherever whatever 8 ________ much exercise I do, I never seem to lose weight.

New english file upper intermediate test

Whichever Whatever However 8 Grammar total 20 VO C AB U L ARY 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Example: I get a bit depressed (depress) during the winter months. 1 Sammy is quite ________ (amuse) when he’s in a good mood. 2 It really ________ (annoy) me when people shout on mobile phones.

High contrast display. Hp esr20 instrukciya. Display can be read from any angle: when operator is standing near the pallet for closing, or for adding products to the pallet by weight.

3 I was ________ (disappoint) when I got a bad mark in my maths exam. 4 After three ________ (exhaust) days on the road, we finally reached the house we’d rented. 5 It was such a ________ (thrill) film that I was sitting on the edge of my seat. 6 What really ________ (frustrate) me about learning Polish is the difficult pronunciation. 5 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: A c hain is a group of shops owned by the same company. 1 My uncle sold his shop because he wasn’t making a p________.

New English File Upper Intermediate Test Booklet

2 A person who works for somebody else is called an e________. 3 Their business e________ up being very profitable. 4 Most people hate getting j________ mail through their doors.

5 My friend, who is an actor, starred in a TV c________ for shampoo. 6 Our company does b________ with other companies all over the world. 7 The firm I work for is being taken o________ by a multinational company. 8 The lawyer told his c________ that he couldn’t work for her any longer. Read the article and tick ( ) A, B, or C. Imagine being able to go back in time and have a little chat with the 17-year-oldyou.