~!~ Article by SYED JAHANZAIB ~!~ I recently deployed Mikrotik base hotspot system at a customer’s internet cafe but It was missing something which was “ Control over the client system, better time management system, on the fly changing in time limit, & anti theft system “. Then Cybercafe pro name popped up in my mind. I used this tool many years back in a gaming zone at Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Cyber Cafe Pro is a very powerful user time management base application/server for internet cafe base business. Its a server / client base system. You can create per-paid time codes / vouchers or User accounts.
OneRoof.You can change this setting in Windows 7 by following these steps for both the CCP Clients and MCS (Server) PCs: a.Quick Set-up Administrators who want to get set up quickly without reading this entire manual can follow these recommended steps in order: 1. OneRoof CyberCafePro Server is designed for Cyber Cafe owners who need to control, charge for, and report on the use of Download cyber cafe pro 6 server Recent OneRoof CyberCafePro Client questions, problems & answers.
There are two major components of this application. # Cybercafe pro Server – (Main Control Station.) Install this module to the computer which will be used as the front-desk or Main Control Station. IT can be Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003. # Cybercafe pro Client Install this module to ALL the computers which will be used by customers. Upon installation, it will automatically detect CCP Server running on the LAN. Otherwise you can manually set it via using CCP Client application.
Note: Please install the CyberCafe Pro Server before the CyberCafe Pro Client — and install Client software on computers other than the Server We will divide this article in two sections 1 # Server setup 2# Client setup # C.C.P SERVER SETUP For some reasons, I will not discuss about the installation of CCP Server ver 5 module. Please read the following article for installation 🙂 After CCP Server installation is done, Open the CCP Main Control Station (Short code name: MCS), Click on Login to activate MCS.
See the below Image. To start it every time windows start, Go to ADMIN > SYSTEM SETTINGS > and click on NT SERVICE, Select YES See the below Image. Now Its time to configure CCP Server configuration. First we will adjust “Client Settings”. Goto ADMIN > SETUP > CLIENT SETTINGS Now you will be presented with CLIENT SETTINGS Panel where you can adjust / configure many client side tweaks. Here at SECURITY TAB, You can adjust many functions like Disable Hotkeys/CD/Drives/Control panel Access etc.
Choose the options as shown in the image below, later you can fine tune them as per your requirements. See the below Image. Now Go to “ System Settings“, here you can allow/restrict some options like Startup Folders/Lock, reboot computer at end of session / etc. Also here you can restrict login types. Either Timecodes or User Account.
In this example We will chose TIMECODES. Time-code is a per-paid 5 Digits code (code length number can be extend) which client can use for login. Lost and found hd marathi movie download utorrent free.
Choose the options as shown in the image below, later you can fine tune them as per your requirements. See the below Image. Now goto “Marquee” tab, Here you can add you banner text, which will be displayed at client side login screen. Its for advertisement purpose as shown in the image below.
See the below Image. Basic configuration for client is done. It’s time to Generate prepaid Timecodes. Goto TIEMCODES & click on GENERATE, You will be then presented with a new Panel of “ GENERATE TIMECODES“.
Now you have to choose various options in this window. I am describing basics of all 1# Number of Codes to Generate: How many prepaid time-codes to generate?
(numbers) 2# Time Limit: Time limit defines for how long user can use this timecode, for example half hour / 1 hour / 2 hour 3# Automatic Expiry: Here its absolutely upto you how you want to handle this option. In this example I have selected “ Expired in specific number of days after this timecode is sold” Which means that When I will sell the code, it will auto expires after one day after 1st usage, It’s necessary to do so this ID it may not be used again and again.
4# Just Select “Full access to the windows desktop. So that when user logon via CCP Cleint module, he will be presented with the WINDOWS XP Desktop access after few seconds. IF you don’t want to provide him with the desktop access, you have to create sets of allowed applicaiton in CCP Client admin section, user will see the panel list from where he can access only allowed apps.
Now click GENERATE AND SELL. ( If you select only Generate, it will not be marked ACTIVE (User wont be able to use it), so when you give this code to any client, you have to right click on the code and select SELL CODES to make it ACTIVE. See the below Image. Basic configuration with timecodes is ready at server end. Moving to client end section.