Persona 4: The Animation is a 25 episode anime adaptation of the PS2 video game, Persona 4, with the true ending to the series released as a film. In it, city boy Yu Narukami finds himself spending a year in the boonies of Inaba, living with his uncle, Ryotaro Dojima, and his young daughter, Nanako.
Overview Persona 4 Golden is an enhanced version of the original for the. Many new additions and changes have been made to the game as well as modifications to incorporate PS Vita capabilities such as touch and wireless networking. Released June 14th in Japan, and at Atlus officially announced a November 20th release date for North America and a European release of Spring 2013 where it will be published. Originally conceived as a game, development of Golden was moved to the Vita in order to avoid the constraints placed on the development of. Unlike Persona 3 Portable, the game does not feature the option to play as a female protagonist. The presentation is, at minimum, on par with that of the original game; the resolution has been bumped up, textures have been redone and it is now presented in the 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio.
Presentation elements were not stripped out. It contains all of the elements of the original release, plus additional content. Localization The majority of the English cast from the PS2 version of Persona 4 are reprising their roles for Golden. However,, the original English voice of, and, the original English voice of, were not retained for the Vita version for reasons has not disclosed publicly. Supposedly, the original voice actress for Chie has retired from voice acting.
Both roles are being entirely re-voiced with new voice over artists; now voices Chie, and is the new voice of Teddie. Both new actors also voice their respective characters in and Persona 4: The Animation.
New Content and Differences Social & World Changes The new character, Marie. • An all-new Social Link character named, of the Aeon arcana. • A new Social Link with, of the Jester arcana. • When talking to an with an available Social Link, you will be told whether or not you are close enough to rank up before you commit to spending time with them. • Ranking up will confer bonus S.
Link skills that can be learned, similar to Rise's skill progression in the original Persona 4. Now, something will happen after each rank obtained with the main cast. • Upon completing certain requirements, the months of January and February are accessible for more socializing. Changes Gardening with Nanako.
• You are able to sneak out of the Dojima Residence at night whenever is not present; after getting a nighttime job, you may leave the house at will. During this time you may visit various locations in Inaba featuring new music, shops and NPCs. • Players can grow plants with and/or her father in the garden next to the Dojima Residence.
Maintaining the garden will increase your closeness to them, depending on who is at home. • After gaining access to the garden an NPC will be available outside of the house; seedlings may be purchased from them in order to plant different vegetables. • When reading books in your room you are now able to browse from your selection, as well as see how many chapters there are per book, what skills they raise and allow you to read whichever you want at any time. You gain no stat increases until you have finished the book, but you gain additional bonuses if you read while it is raining.
• You can now interact with the calendar in your room to view upcoming events. • Players may now purchase items from up through Wednesday. • Some of the items available through Tanaka have been changed. Changes The Shiroku Pub. • New books have been added to increase efficiency in jobs, studying, etc.
Some old books have been renamed. • The owner of the Chinese Diner Aiya will make references to his daughter, Aika Nakamura, a character created for Persona 4: The Animation. • NPCs offering quests are now highlighted with a marked bubble above their head. In-progress quest bubbles are marked in a different colour. • At night, the Shiroku Store becomes the Shiroku Pub. • The shrine is now an accessible location, available during both night and day time. Courage is required to access at night.
• Fortune slips are available at the shrine, providing a Social Link boost to a character of the player's choice at the expense of passing time. Fishing Changes Fishing has changed. • The fishing mini game has been updated with a different catching mechanic. • Instead of generic bait, bread crumbs and bugs are now used as bait.
Additionally, before bait is used, the game will indicate what types of fish they will catch. • The lady in front of the Dojima Residence will no longer offer bait.
• Failing to make lunch for school will no longer give bait. • The old man by the will not trade items for fish, though he still needs to see a fish as part of the Hermit arcana Social Link. • A lady will appear at the shrine and offer to trade gems for fish. Other Miscellaneous Changes Catching bugs at night. • A bug catching mini game has been added. • All school and test questions have been changed. • Additional save prompts have been added between long story sequences, as well as breaks during the game's opening hours to use a save point.
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