Pesnyu Peredelku Pro Druzhnij KollektivPesnyu Peredelku Pro Druzhnij Kollektiv

Product Description The PES120DET8 uses a proprietary electronic design technology with the state of the art semiconductors resulting in an energy saving dimming electronic ballast. When compared to the standard electronic ballast, it can save up to 50% in energy through dimming. This dimming ballast is very flexible and easy to install because it requires no additional wiring. It combines the long life and energy efficiency of fluorescent technology with the controllability and full-range of dimming capabilities of the control unit.

PES120DET8 Manufacturer PES Model Number PES120DET8 Ballast Type Dimmable Electronic Starting Method Instant Lamp Connection Parallel Input Voltage 120 VAC Input Frequency 50-60 Hz Sound Rated A FCC Classification FCC Consumer B Thermal Protector “Class P” Inherent Open Circuit Voltage 300 Volts Maximum Case Temperature 70° C.

Kichiku megane r cg set part2 download 1. Nadezhda Misyakova was born on June 1, 2000 (on Universal Children's Day) in the city of Minsk. Nadya lives in Belarus capital with mother Olga, father Andrey, 17-years old sister Liza and 12-years old brother Zakhar. Currently she is studying at the #20 gymnasium of the Belarus capital.

Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories. The song Nadya wrote already two years ago, when she was 12. Song is a beautiful fairy-tale, and at the end we decided to record it professionally, just for.

She has started getting vocal lessons at the age of 8 in the ensemble 'Zaranak' (in National Center for Musical Arts named after Vladimir Mulyavin) under the direction of Kseniya Sitnik's mother Svetlana Statsenko and in the last year also started lessons in vocal studio of Vasily Senkov. She also studies in #17 children's music school, piano department, and for 4 years was dancing in the club 'Valyidance'.

Little singer was successful in such competitions as the 'Land under white wings' (1st prize), 'Maladzіchok' (1st prize), 'European Cup' (Grand Prix), (1st prize), 'New Names' (1st prize), 'Golden Bee' (2nd Prize), 'Wind Rose' (2nd prize), finalist of the TV project 'Ya poyu' (I'm singing) (where she also performed duets with Belarus stars and ) and republican radio competition. Before this year, Nadezhda has already twice participated in the qualifying rounds for the Junior Eurovision: in 2012 as part of the group 'Zaranak' she took 8th place with the song, and last year became 9th with a solo song. Various songs of Nadezhda can be watched. In her occupations and hobbies Nadya is supported by a large and friendly family. 'Nadya is quite an independent girl.

She is able to collect, to motivate herself. We have been taking part in preselection last year, and decided to try it again. The song Nadya wrote already two years ago, when she was 12. Song is a beautiful fairy-tale, and at the end we decided to record it professionally, just for ourselves. But everyone who heard it, our friends, relatives, began to advise us to submit it for the preselection for Junior Eurovision. And there we worked with the same team as in the past year',, says singer's mother.

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In her spare time, she loves meeting interesting people and listening to new good and positive music. Nadya loves a variety of music, mostly in the style of 'pop', and artists like Lana Del Rey, Ani Lorak, Polina Gagarina, Pelageya. In addition to music she loves to dance and to write poetry. In 2012 she has released her first book of poetry titled 'Girl named Leiro', one of her poems was published in 'Vyasyolka' children's magazine. And now she writes a novel 'Kath', inspired by reading fantasy stories. She is 'excellent' pupil, as her favorite school subjects she names Russian literature, English and chemistry.

In her spare time she likes painting, cooking (baking for dad his favorite apple pie), chatting with friends. She already has travelled abroad - in 2011 ONT sent all the finalists of 'I sing' show to Disneyland in Paris, and this year, Nadya participated in the festival of young poets in Georgia. Her dream is to go to London and see the 'Big Ben' with her own eyes. Her motto: 'Do not worry, that you will not succeed, worry that you will not try!' To the Junior Eurovision Nadezhda was brought by the desire of success and a dream. Words and music to her contest entry she wrote herself, with translation into the Belarusian she was helped by Natalya Svistunova.