Surely sirs, you jest. Rather late but curious: I only recently discovered the site and as I was having computer troubles, timely enough. Many thanks, but to what end is the information?? I have several CDs of XP, some 'Home', some 'Pro'. Some legal, some questionable. Some 'cold start', some 'restore'.
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Since my Toshiba (A-75) went south, I have been trying to get my AutoCAD back up running. I followed (sort of) the instructions for this article. What I found was curious, at best. Using a 'hex' editor and examining the file 'unattend.txt', I found the key ID number toward the end of the file. The details of why I checked several disks are unimportant, needless to say I did so. From widely desparate sources, the 'Key' was the same on each disk. Having double-checked to be sure, I thought to ask you what the significance of this number is.
Or to rephrase, would any sticker number work with any disk? Possibly useful there; I may have several stickers up for grabs in the not too distant future. Sema 11 4 rus torrent 2017. For obvious reasons, I can't ask uSoft staff. They decline to even discuss XP any more, as does Toshiba. In my case, AutoCAD will not operate on the newer versions of Windows, hence my efforts with the recovery of these machines. I first bought a new Toshiba toward this end. When the CAD wouldn't initialize, I sought assistance.
In both uSoft's and Toshiba's eyes, the multi-thousand dollar program is 'so what, tough s#!t, get over it'. I'm not very pleased with either vendor. The net result was swapping the new Toshiba, with Windows 8, for an older machine as a parts source.
Far cheaper than paying the price for a replacement LCD screen. I am familiar with the known problems of the older Toshibas, both their design flaws and thermal problems with high horsepower CPUs in a laptop. Having made repairs to the screen several times, the most recent was the proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back.'
Aug 03, 2017 Windows Xp Sweet 6 2 fr iso– VERSION FINAL SoftMax. Unsubscribe from SoftMax? Cancel Unsubscribe. -Telecharger Windows Xp Sweet 6,2 fr iso version finale. Dec 17, 2016 شرح طريقة تحميل الويندوز 6.2 xp sweet علي الموقع utilisationp مجاني بدون قيود WINDOWS XP SWEET 6.2 من هنا: http://adf.
OK, wire not straw, but the comment fits. And the thermal issues now take me about an hour, once a year, or so. The bottom line here is that if it won't run AutoCAD, it's about as useful to me as a dead cat. But, I do thank you for reading this far in the ramblings of an old man.
If you would follow up and find a resolution, I would be interested, if only to scratch an itch. Bi11 The Artificer.
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