I have the serial numbers on the speakers and, from what I’ve been able to gather, they look to be from around the same time as the amp (1965). Unfortunately the pics do not really include the cone (so I can’t see any stamp on the cone). The frames are gray with yellow JBL on the driver. Serials are 117xx and 120xx (where “xx” is a number).
If you already have a JBL account • Visit and log in to your JBL ACCOUNT. • On your MY ACCOUNT page, find the REGISTER PRODUCT tab in the dropdown menu on the left side of your screen. • Take a picture of the official receipt before proceeding. • Select your PRODUCT. • Enter the SERIAL NUMBER that is written at the bottom of your product packaging. • Upload an IMAGE of your receipt. • Enter the DATE that you purchased your product.
• Your product is now registered and can be found in the WARRANTY CLAIM tab. If you don’t have a JBL account • Visit to create a JBL ACCOUNT. • Log in to your JBL ACCOUNT. • On your MY ACCOUNT page, find the REGISTER PRODUCT tab in the dropdown menu on the left side of your screen. • Take a picture of the official receipt before proceeding. • Select your PRODUCT. • Enter the SERIAL NUMBER that is written at the bottom of your product packaging.
• Upload an IMAGE of your receipt. • Enter the DATE that you purchased your product. • Your product is now registered and can be found in the WARRANTY CLAIM tab.
I have heard plenty of online reviews that the JBL Flip is having issues with the Bluetooth signal (weak signal, signal cutting out, etc) I have written Harman/JBL regarding this issue and they have replied that they are aware of the problem and have recently redesigned the BT antenna. They provided me s serial number cutoff of GG0054-189100. All units above this number will have the new modified JBL Flip with the new antenna. They are pulling out all 'old' units from retail stores and replacing them with the 'new' JBL Flips with the improved antenna that is supposed to have taken care of the BT signal issues of the old units. Rimskie cifri ot 1 do 1000 s perevodom in english. JBL will be rolling out the new units in a few weeks (early March 2013) so please check the serial numbers before you purchase to ensure that you get one with the better BT antenna. Just sharing. UPDATE.The new units will be out mid March as per Harman/JBL advise and will should have serial numbers above 0189100.
I've had this product for 2 weeks. I did a bit of research before deciding to go with the hype of the JBL brand, and though I am not disappointed, I feel I could have made a better choice. Here are some pro's and con's after the first weeks. I've had this product for 2 weeks. I did a bit of research before deciding to go with the hype of the JBL brand, and though I am not disappointed, I feel I could have made a better choice. Here are some pro's and con's after the first weeks. I have heard plenty of online reviews that the JBL Flip is having issues with the Bluetooth signal (weak signal, signal cutting out, etc) I have written Harman/JBL regarding this issue and they have replied that they are aware of the problem and have recently redesigned the BT antenna.