After reading through all of this list, I seemed to have missed something. I too am connecting my Android device (Phone, Tablet) to the Arduino Uno. Is there a recommended OTG to USB-Serial converter to use? From eBay, Amazon, SparkFun, Adafruit? I tried to program my Android to IOIO with Rx,Tx but was unable to achieve reliable communication using the examples provided. I don't want to use a timer to check for received data. Anyone have an example for IOIO serial communications without using a Timer?

Thanks in advance! A privilege to chat with you Erel.

May 10, 2016 - USB (abbreviation of Universal Serial Bus) is an industry standard that establishes specifications for cables, connectors and protocols for connection, communication and power supply between personal computers and their peripheral devices.

My apologies for having two different questions under one topic. Sorry for the confusion. My comment pertained to using this USBSerial library with an Arduino and I am asking for a recommended USB to Serial converter to connect to the OTG for communications with the Arduino. Hdloader ps2 iso.

My second comment pertained to the IOIO communication library (which I finally got to work). Specifically, is there a “NewData” event that can be employed vice using a timer to check for incoming data? An honor to chat with you sir. I'm trying to use the USB Serial library to build an app that communicates with a device using binary data. I've been able to compile and run the example app and, using a pair of FTDI converters between my tablet and my PC's USB port, I can send/receive ASCII data between a terminal program on the PC and the tablet.

Now I want to send binary data from the tablet, but I can't get my arms around how to write the 'Astreams.Write' line so that it uses a binary variable as the data argument instead of an ASCII literal. Thanks for any help Joe. Click to expand.

Thanks, but that's where I'm having difficulty. In the example, if I replace the literal (quoted) string with a single byte variable or a constant, I get a compiler exception. Can you provide examples on how to code the following into the 'Streams.Write' statement?: 1) A literal hex value = 0xFE 2) A pre-defined variable of the same value 3) A literal binary value = 0b11111110 4) A pre-defined variable of the same value. In each case, I'd expect a single byte of the corresponding value to be transmitted. First: Thanks for this great work (UsbserialLib2.4) But i have a problem. I use a Serial Interface with prolifti pl2303 chipset.

My app needs to print on a serial printer How can i figure out, what 'DevNuml (X)' from the several usb devices from the used device i have to mount with,9600)? Ok, i can try to scan and isolate with usb1.usbpresent(x.y) and if present with usb.deviceinfo(x) to read the vendor id from the pl2303, but exactly at this point is my problem. From time to time the recognized 'DevNum' changed to another Id, because my customer uses the UsbSlot temporarly for another device. And then he connect after 2 days to the pl2303 adapter and the Id is changing to another DevNumber?

I have tried with the scan method, but on some devices the app crashes with the usb1.getdeviceinfo(x), if the scanned DevNum isn´t my pl2303 adapter. Exactly i tried to get information about a Rfid Device, what is not interesting me and the app crashes Thanks for your help. Hello Hogiebaer, In fact every time you plug the USB it will change the USB number.

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Try this: 1.- Get the Serial Number or some usable info from the Prolific or FTDI. DeviceInfo(DevNum) 2.- If any of the devices attached have some sort of command that have an answer you know, use it. 3.- If any of the devices attached have some sort of particular data format. Identify all but the printer. Example: If you have a GPS, you'll get as soon as it's connected a stream of recognizable data.


Then you can tell it's not the printer. If you are using a POS/ESC printer most of them have a Status Command that is answered, so if it responds correctly, it's the printer. If the printer doesn't have that command but the other devices does, by elimination you have the printer. Quote: 'my customer uses the UsbSlot temporarly for another device.

And then he connect after 2 days to the pl2303 adapter and the Id is changing to another DevNumber?' Buy one Prolific, one FTDI and glue them to the RS232 device. The you know with DeviceInfo(DevNum) which one is attached to the FTDI and which one is attached to the Prolific.

If you have 3 printers attached and no Prolific/FTDI Serial Number you are doomed If you are doomed. Buy a modern Prolific/FTDI and change manually the Serial Number then get it with DeviceInfo(DevNum). Take care of redirecting the Streams to the desired buffer/data_proccessor after identification. Hope this helps, Jean. Click to expand.Good Morning, we are trying to use the ver 2.4, without success.